It Is A Long Game

In the long game, it is important to not get too excited about a project that is just starting. It is also important to not get too discouraged when things do not go as planned.

The long game can be a difficult one to play because it takes time and patience.

Patience is the key to success in the long game.

It is a long game. We have to be patient and take the long view.

It is a long game. It may take years before we see the full effects of anything we are building upon continuously in our everyday lives.

Anything that has the potential to make our lives better in many ways will only happen if we are patient and willing to adapt.

It is a long game, but the journey is worth it.

It is a long game. The game of life, the game of writing, the game of love, the game of success. These games are all about patience and persistence.

A lot of people have been asking us what our secret to success is. We are not sure if there is one but we can tell you one thing for sure – it takes time and a lot of work to get where you want to be.


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